How much does it cost for Fill Dirt in the United States

On average, homeowners pay $697 for bulk topsoil, dirt, sand, mulch, or rock, including delivery. Total costs between $325 and $1,070. Topsoil costs $12 to $55 per cubic yard. Fill dirt ranges from $7 to $12 per cubic yard. Sand typically falls between $15 and $40 per cubic yard. Prices include delivery.
If you are getting your landscaping ready for the planting season, you may want to install soil, mulch, rocks, or any other type of decorative stone or paving. Since most homeowners do not own the size or type of vehicle that can haul such heavy and large loads, you will most likely need to have these materials delivered to your home. Providers often include delivery rates with the price of the product when buying in bulk.
On This Page
Topsoil Prices Per Cubic Yard
Screened Topsoil Prices
Topsoil Delivery
Bulk vs. Buying by the Bag
Black Dirt Prices
Fill Dirt Costs Per Yard
How Much Is a Truckload of Dirt?
Clean Fill Dirt Cost Calculator
Cost of Sand Per Ton
Delivery Costs
Masonry Sand by the Load
Screened Loam Prices
Mulch, Rock, and Other Material Delivery Pricing
Average Dump Truck Delivery or Rental Rates
How Much Do You Need?
Getting the Best Prices on Landscaping Materials Near You
Cost to Deliver Landscaping Fill
Material Cost per Cubic Yard Delivery
Topsoil $12-$55 $15-$150
Dirt $5-$15 $150 flat rate for
10-13 cubic yards
Sand $15-$20 $50-$150
Mulch $15-$65 $150 flat rate for
10-13 cubic yards
Rock $20-$120 $20-$120 per cubic yard
Topsoil Prices Per Cubic Yard
Bulk topsoil costs between $12 and $55 per cubic yard, including delivery. Exact rates can depend on moisture content, type of organic materials, and geographic location.
Some mulch yards sell topsoil for $6 to $20 per scoop, depending on the amount and quality of material. A scoop is equal to half a cubic yard but may vary by supplier.
Often, homeowners choose to purchase materials by the scoop when they need smaller amounts and have access to a truck or trailer, because it’s less expensive than buying topsoil by the bag. If you do not have access to a vehicle, you can rent a truck or trailer for an additional cost.
Bagged topsoil costs $2 to $5 per bag or about $35 to $180 per cubic yard.
As with most purchases, you get what you pay for. The quality of dirt you need will depend on your intended use. Some providers may sell fill dirt scraped from construction sites as “bargain topsoil,” but it may contain too much debris and not enough organic matter.
Topsoil is one of the major factors in the cost of seeding a lawn, installing sod, and other landscape projects. For these projects, you will need material with ample organic content to provide nutrients for the plants.
Screened Topsoil Prices
Expect to pay about $20 per cubic yard, depending on consistency. Manufacturers filter screened topsoil through mesh to ensure consistent particle size, a feature that encourages plant growth by evenly dispersing both nutrients and water. Homeowners can choose a particle size of ⅝” or ¾”.
Topsoil Delivery
If delivery charges are not included in the price of the topsoil, expect to pay anywhere from $15 to $150. Factors include the amount of material you need, distance traveled, and difficulty of access. Orders of more than 8 cubic yards of topsoil, more than 20 miles of travel, or delivery in tight, urban areas will fall on the high end of this estimate.
Bulk Topsoil vs. Buying by the Bag
If you buy topsoil by the bag instead of in bulk, expect to pay about $100 per cubic yard. Bagged material from local home and garden or big box stores ranges from $2 to $5 per 40-pound bag, or $35 to $180 per cubic yard.
Due to its higher price point, bagged topsoil should only be used for small areas. In most cases, home improvement stores will deliver bagged material for a flat rate of $100.
Black Dirt Prices
Screened black dirt costs about $15 per cubic yard. Delivery charges for orders between 1 and 15 cubic yards run $75 to $140 per load, not including the material itself.
Though they are often used interchangeably, black dirt and topsoil are not necessarily the same. Dirt that is black may be from drained swampland, or it may simply have higher levels of iron or magnesium. If you are unsure which type to use for your project, consult a landscaping professional.

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